Crush your exams with personalized AI insights
Our AI tutors, trained on 10+ years of exam questions, optimizes your learning to boost your scores.

Over 200,000 students use Slay to

Prep in Style

Exam questions and explanations from top scoring medical students

Largest question bank with hints, explanations and personalized learning

Best ENEM resource with thousands of verified questions and answers
Generate Variations
Stuck on a type of question? Generate an unlimited variation of the same question!

Practice Mode
Use hints, analyze time, and dive into each question as you prepare for the exam. Choose your difficulty.

Simulated Test
Practice your exam as if it was the real thing

AI Tutor
Use AI to give you personalized learning any time you need it!

We've answered common questions about Slay Exams to ensure you understand how it works and benefits your learning journey!
Exam questions are created by using a combination of existing resources, experts in exam writing, and previously high scoring students. Each question is vetted three times to make sure the question, and answer are legitimate.
No we charge a low one time fee for unlimited exams. With our AI you can also generate thousands of additional questions, so you never need another question bank again!
We utilize AI to help you study in a number of ways.
1. AI comes up with multiple questions for you based on a library of thousands of questions. The questions can be similar to a particular topic or learning area.
2. AI understands where you are struggling and can provide relevant support. For example it can explain something to you like you're 5, or give you an easy way to remember the formula.
3. AI helps to personalize your learning by working with you in areas that you are good at, and supporting you in areas you are not.
As we studied for exams, one thing we realized was there was no one place to study and work with AI. We'd have to have Chat GPT open, provide it context on our question, explain where we were struggling while having another exam application open. The truth is the best way to study is just to keep answering questions and having an AI the keeps track of that and helps you without having to leave the page is the best experience we could think of.
Slay School and Slay Exams are part of the same company but different products. Slay School is helping students study smarter for their tests and school work. Slay Exams focuses on the hard but important exams students need to complete.
Trusted by future doctors, used by life long learners!